Release notes

Version 0.1.4

  • all classes and functions can be imported from root from pyux import <target>
  • add codacy checks and flake8 enforcements

Version 0.1.3

  • timeout decorates a function to make it stop after a given time of execution
  • modules documentation were moved to their page instead of being in the README

Version 0.1.2

  • Both Timer and Wheel now have their decorating equivalent : wait and wordy
  • wait decorates a function to make it pause before or after execution
  • wordy decorates a function to make it say a message after execution, with the ability of catching exceptions
  • Speak is the iterable version of wordy : applied to an iterable in a for loop, it prints a fixed message (or preferably a single character) at each iteration
  • a contributing section was added in the documentation and the whole documentation and docstrings have been cleaned from some typos

Version 0.1.1

  • Timer and Chronos, even if it is less expected from them, can be used as for loop’s decorations too
  • Documentation was improved : both docstrings, readthedocs structure and README
  • The demonstration was updated to be more efficient in presenting the available tools
  • Pipelines set up on GitLab so that develop version is always available on readthedocs

Version 0.1.0

  • First version published on PyPi
  • ColourPen has a standalone write method, only this one can be used to colourise different sentences
  • Wheel and ProgressBar can be used as for loop’s decorations, avoiding to manually declare instantiation, printing and closing